To everyone who has answered me


Everyone woh has wrote me back has answered about my clownfish or my starfish. I have just added a clown and star along with a lawnmower blenny and 3 hermit crabs. As of 4 hours the starfish has not moved except for when I got impatient and flipped him over and then he flipped himself back over. The clownfish is still flying around all over the tank but has begun to venture father down. I didn't think I was adding things to quickly but I am not anything near an expert so I am probably wrong. My Mandarin is feeding and venturing out more and my hermits are doing a wonderful job of cleaning up my sand. I was wanting to add some type of sand cleaner like a sand sifting cucumber or a sand cleaning goby but I was looking for advice. If I added a anemone would my clownfish act more sober? My tank is just beginnig and I have heard that an anemone wouldn't last. If anyone has ANY ADVICE it would be GREATLY appreciated. :) :) :) :) :)


I dont know what kind of lighting you have but they need good light compacts and vho are pushing halides are good but as for the tank id wait a while before adding an anemone


Active Member
let's see, after cycling has completed, you shoud stock slowly, 1 or 2 fish(if small) at a time and then wait a couple of weeks for yur system to balance and catch up before adding anything else is teh best way ot stock
as for the anemone, you likely won't be able to keep it, you need a mature and well established tank(it may take a year or more for most tanks to mature fully), and then their sucess rate is very very low
some leather corals are just as widely accepted and much easier to keeep, and can be added alot sooner, plus there is the risk of poisoning your tank, if it dies a trauma


What do you mean poisioning your tank? I know I shouldn't add an anemone yet but I would really like to see my clownfish happy cuddling up with an anemone but I probably won't add one. I was thinking about adding a rock full of button polyps here in a few weeks since I already have about five that have lived in my tank for about the last 3 weeks. ANy suggestions?????????


Active Member
anemones can and do move, and one trauma that can happen is getting caught in powerheads, when this happens, well i don't think i have to say it, and they are a venomous creature
(that is one thing, anything damaging)
also, some clowns do like soft corals, like leathers which are easy and attractive, that is just one species, there are many that they seem to like
besides, not every clown is going to like any or all anemones or corals, somtimes it happens, sometimes not


I am by no means an expert but based on what i have read anemonies when they die can wipe out your tank. I also saw that you mentioned adding a cucumber. These fellas as well (correct me if i am wrong) will hurt your tank badly if they die. I have read many posts and i can say...
anemonies are beautifull but have a very small sucess rate even in experianced reefers tanks.
Cucumbers are bad news but they too have an alure about them.
I would certainly research the cucumbers before i put something like that in my tank.


Active Member
If the clown fish adopts a leather coral then the leather will suffer from constant aggrevation. from the clownfish.


New Member
I had 2 clarki claowns in my 125 and the fish store I went to said they like anemones, so I bought one. We've had our tank up 2 yrs and they said they are easy to care for. It died after about 3 days. Our clowns loved it though. I tried a different kind of anemone last month and the same thing happened. The fish store people were so shocked that it died. After finding and getting other peoples advice and comments, I should of never bought aan anemone in the first place. I'll try it again in about 6 months or so. Good luck!!


anemones can outlive people when left in the ocean but most that are sold for aquariums don't make it past a year, there are a few people who were lucky and have them a long time but very few :eek: