To glue or not to glue?


I have a green eye zoo that is shaped like a ball. When I place it on a rock all the polyps open, but over time it rolls to the cave part of my LR where there is not much rock and there it closes it's polyps and only opens the few big ones that have no color. I do not know if it's moving by its self or with the water flow. So should I glue it where all the polyps stay open?I don't know how these things grow or spread because I can never find any pictures of ball shaped ones. Will using super glue hinder it?


I haven't had any problems with using super glue, though there are other methods such as using another rock or shell to hold it in place until it attaches itself or you could go with the netiing method, put a piece of screen/netting over it until it attahces itself. Good luck.


Oh, I should say, the reason I ask if it's ok to glue it is because the LFS said it would move to where it wants and I don't want to make it stay somewhere it doesn't want to.


Active Member
I don't think the whole rock would move though. i have afew ball shaped zoos and i put them on a flat rock with no slant, and no glue, the only time they move is if a crab or something moves them. They adhere if left alone by the critters.