To make you think...



I got a problem... I have a female friend who it about 4'10" bout 95 lbs. She knocks on her cousin's (and his roomy's) door and they don't answer it because they can't tell who she is... This is just one example of the paranoia that I have been noticing lately when it comes to our country.
When 9-11 hit, as Americans we are so deturmined to advertize that we aren't afraid. We will not stop our normal daily living schedule, we will not bow down to their threats and even actions. We screem how confident we are, and how secure we are in this country but yet we are afraid of our own neighbor.
Has anyone else besides me noticed that "Don't talk to strangers", has gotten a little outa hand?? Use to be that if you broke down, no need to worry, help will be along shortly. You won't know who they are but you can rest assure that it would go like this...
Car dies, 15 strangers stop and offer help, you finally get tired of waiting for someone you know and you hop in the car with the next stranger. He takes you to a fuel station and then back to your car. You will offer money, knowing that he will refuse. He makes sure your car starts, then you never see him again.
What happened to our country???
Always finding ways to make it safer, yet as a nation we get more reclused.
I just thought I'd share the irony...
We will die for our country, but we will not open the door for a stranger.:rolleyes:
Has anyone else noticed this??


Staff member
I agree, we are a country that is very afraid. Look on the "News" and the "News"papers, there is your answer. :scared:
Its all bad, horriffic news. Nothing good ever happens? [or is nothing good ever reported because its boring? hmmmm]


I wish they would start showing the good!! America is so scared, and your right... a lot of it is based on the news. I wish they would show the progress of a group of volunteers, that build housed for people, instead of the murderers. I am just curious to see where it's headed for my kids...:nope:


If you could get rid of all the nut jobs I wouldn't hesitate to stop and help someone. Now days you never know what you'd be stepping into.


Active Member
You are right. And Beth also hit the nail on the head. The news and newspapers won't say anthing good. Just like in Iraq right now. There are bad things happening. But a friend of ours family lives there and say better things are happening everyday, things they could never do for years and years. We refuse to report that.
I am sad for my kids too....:nope:


Unfortunately sensationalism is what sells. If it is not some kind of disaster they believe it won't sell and then their ratings will go down.
As far as the reporting in Iraq, I too have heard some great stories from people over there, but do we hear about that? The news is politically slanted for one. There are a lot of improvements this country needs to make! Our legal system is a joke, Martha Stewart has to go to prison but a 19 year old gang member that shoots and kills someone may not serve any time at all. Don't get me wrong I think white collar crime should be punished, but we are letting dangerous people out on to the streets everyday. Maybe that's why there is so much paranoia out there.
Having said that, I do believe this is a country filled with great people, we just do not here about them on the news!!!!



Originally posted by Angelcam
Having said that, I do believe this is a country filled with great people, we just do not here about them on the news!!!!

I totally agree with you, this country IS filled with great people...
It's just a pity that we are too afraid to leave our house to meet any of them...


It is pretty heartbreaking. Beth pretty much hit the nail on the head, sensationalism sells, and money is more important than the news.
Its strange (atleast according to one interesting case study I have) that the televised news used to be ran at a loss as a public service. While now, its one of the major streams of revenue for many stations-networks.
We're going to need alot of prayers and tears for the children to not have a rough future.



Originally posted by jokerswild
If you could get rid of all the nut jobs I wouldn't hesitate to stop and help someone. Now days you never know what you'd be stepping into.

I don't have statistics, but about every crime I hear about, the victim knows the perp. I actually would worry more about my sons gym teacher than somebody who's car broke down on the side of the road. Crime is gonna happen to you whether you live in fear or not. I just think it's ironic that we display how tough we are and that nobody can scare us, then we won't open the door for the Avon lady cause we don't know her!!:eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by Tizzo
I don't have statistics, but about every crime I hear about, the victim knows the perp.

I live in a bad neighborhood. I don't mean a poor neighborhood, I mean when I moved in the good neighbors warned me about the drug house, I call the cops every 3-4 months, and prostitutes sometimes flash my husband on his way home. But there are good people here. When the fedex guy drops a package and runs, the neighbors on one side pick up the box and hold it for me until I get home. On the other side, my neighbor found used fence pieces so we could both block off our backyards from the street. The worse off our world is, the more we need to actively look for allies to help us make it through. Get to know your neighbors. Most of them probably want thier neighborhood to be better and more friendly too.


Active Member
Forgot to address why I quoted that. Around here violent crime follows that pattern, but robbery happens to strangers all the time. Still, neighbors bonding together and helping each other is the best defense against either.