To many fish?


Active Member
Is this to many fish for a 125 gallon?
1- Yellow tang (3'')
1- Red voltain (3'')
1- Panther Grouper (3'')
1- zebra eel (1')
1- niger trigger (3-4'')
Are zebra eels hard to keep?


Everything looks fine for now. The fish that you presently have will grow quite a bit, but that will take some time though.
As for the moray, I have one and he is the kindest, and hardiest fish that I have ever owned. They do get big however. Mine is about 4 feet in length, but that is a pretty large eel. Hope that this helps, and good luck!


looks like a good list to me. i want a zebra eel also. just remember to keep something heavy on the tanks top. hate for that eel to get out.