To many fish???


Okay, is this to much:
180 gallon tank w/ 3 canisters, 2 biowheels, 2 skimmers:
V. Lion - 7 inchs
F.D. Lion - 3 inchs
Perc Clown - 3 inchs
Perc Clown - 2 inchs
Blue Hippo Tang - 4 inchs
Foxface - 5 inchs
Flame Angel - 4 inchs
Potters Angel - 3 inchs
Emperor Angel - 3 inchs
Porc Puffer - 6 inchs
That's what I have so there room for more??


i think your ok for now
but you might have problems later youve got a mix of agressive fish with non agressive fish..Scares me
and plus some of these fish are going to get 12 inches or more


id say you are not able to add any other fish because unless you upgrade soon some of those get huge like the volitan can get to 15 inches and kill the clown fish an fuzzy dwarf and anything else it can fit in its mouth


Active Member
Originally Posted by sprieto
Any opinions?
I suggest you get rid of the bio-wheels{for FW tanks} and save your money to properly set this tank up as a SW tank.{no offense meant} Add a sump w/ a return pump. Canister filters are a bad idea as well...good for running carbon occasionally to polish the water, but can be nitrate traps otherwise.
Does this tank have LR?