to many fish?



I have an 80 gallon reef tank with about 150 lbs. of live rock. I have 1 powder brown tang, 1 blue tang, 1 yellow eyed tang, 1 fame angle, 1 clown, 1 copperbanded butterfly fish, 2 sunburst anthias, 1 sleeper goby, 1 lawnmower blenny, 6 damsels, 1 royal gramma, and thats about it. Do you think i have too many fish? if so, what should i get ride of? <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />

zack schwartz

Active Member
With that much lr its going to be able to get out some of the quicker fish like damles. I would be most worried about the tangs. I heard somewhere that a one tang might be enough for that size tank. How much room do you have. 15olbs of lr is a lot. But probly get rid of most of the tangs


I would diffenitly say you have way too many fish <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> . I have you checked your levels lately. I would get several of them out it is not fair to the fish to have them so overcrowded like that. Also how long has your tank been up? As far as which ones to get rid of it is totally up to you. But I would take out a couple of your tangs, damsels, and maybe your flame angel for right now at least.


if you have the filtration you can have prety much anything you want. i have seen 80gal tanks with a ton of fish and as long as they are cared for and monitored they are ok. lets be realistic people will get what they want wether its 1" per gal or 8". people want what they want. Also you will lose some fish just through the cyanide capture technique. the damage to their liver is irreversible. very few places capture with nets and slurp guns.. most use poisons to get their fish. only australia uses nets. I use to work in the wholesale industry and its not pretty we lost 1 out of 3 and usually 1 more died at the lfs so thats why alot of your fish die for no explainable reason


It would have to be on awesome filtration system. I mean 16 fish in an 80 gallon is a bit excessive IMO. It really is not fair to the fish to overcrowd them like that. You have to think of it in that sense as well. Some of the fish he has will get rather large. Just my 2 cents.


I could have the best filtration system in the world, but that wouldn't make it OK to run a 20g tank with 2 lions and 4 triggers.
Maybe you were in the business...but I also disagree with the statement that "every" area uses cyanide but Australia. I'm not disputing that cyanide is used in the business (and is a major problem), but from what I understand there are several areas (such as Hawaii) where MOST of the the collection is done with nets. There are some fish (like clownfish for instance) where cyanide would be a waste of money because the fish are so easy to catch with nets.


I just checked all my levels ( pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and my pH is at 8.2, my ammonia is at 0, my nitrite is at 0, and my nitrate is at 40. Thanks for the advice, it really helps!
PS, what do you recommend for catching the fish? :(


I just checked all my levels ( pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) and my pH is at 8.2, my ammonia is at 0, my nitrite is at 0, and my nitrate is at 40. Thanks for the advice, it really helps!
PS, what do you recommend for catching the fish? :(


Active Member
Unless your quick drw Magroul, you will probably need to remove some rock. I know it would be a sight for soar eyes to watch me me try and catch my fish without removing the rock.
I would keep one of those tangs and ditch the damsels, the butterfly,a anthia and all the damsels. And I'm over in AL would be interested in driving over and buying one of those tangs if you needed the help.