to many fish???

hello I have set up a 55 gal. and i have curently 1 flame angle, 2 three striped damsels, 1 maroon clown, 1 false clown, 1 neon goby, and 1 six-line wrasse. i hope to add more inverts and coral to the tank. Would a pair of beau gregory damsels fit in my tank???

mr. limpid

Active Member
Since no one answered you I give you my two cents.
Depends on your bio load and what type of filtration you have. I know you didn't ask but, your maroon will out grow your tank, and the two stripe damsel will kill any new damsels. Damsels are very territorial fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown-keeper99
hello I have set up a 55 gal. and i have curently 1 flame angle, 2 three striped damsels, 1 maroon clown, 1 false clown, 1 neon goby, and 1 six-line wrasse. i hope to add more inverts and coral to the tank. Would a pair of beau gregory damsels fit in my tank???
The three-striped damsels are going to grow and become a pretty big pain. I wouldn't add more damsels to that tank.
Originally Posted by Contraband629

A maroon will outgrow a 55g tank?
A maroon will live comfortably in a 55gal, but the problem will be as she gets larger, she will likely claim the entire tank as her's, and be very unlikely to share with tankmates, especially new fish.

keith gray

I have had a maroon for 4 years in my 65galno problems - he has grown some but not outgrown the tank by any stretch
just fyi


Active Member
Your maroon will be fine in a 55; it will almost certainly become a big female . There is no such thing as a "false clown"; I assume you mean Ocellaris clown. The maroon, when it matures, will not tolerate any other species of clown in its tank and will almost certainly kill the Ocellaris. Female maroons are extremely territorial and tough fish. Clown species should never be mixed, except in huge tanks--and even that is risky. IMO; I sure wouldb't add any more damsels; they are responsible for more trouble for new hobbiests than any other fish X10.