To move or not to move Toadstool


Hi All,
I bought a leather on saturaday afternoon. In the store all the tenticles were out and it looked super healthy. I acclimated it to the tank later that afternoon. Currently, it is standing straight up and is open but not tenticles are visable. I'm past the 48 hour mark and I'm wondering if I should move it to another location to see if it responds nicely or should I leave it alone for a few more days to adjust?
I have it mid tank, low to moderate flow. Hammer, frogsporn, mushrooms and fish all appear healthy. Please advise.
Thank you


Well-Known Member
That’s a tough coral, you should be able to put it wherever you want it.. If it is already open and standing up then it just needs a little more time. If it isn’t where you want it to stay, go ahead and place it to another spot. Give it lots of room they grow fast.


Update. Doing much better now. I moved it into an area of higher flow and it has responded nicely.


Active Member
Mie always seem to like being near the top and with adequate water flow. They can look nice in the store and not so nice in your tank for a few days while it gets used to it's new environment.


Not to jack your thread but my toadstool looks like crap. I have had it in the tank for about a week not and he has not stood up straight yet. Its all limped over and still the same size as it was when i got it. The tenticles are barely out like maybe a cm. Its about midway up in the rocks right in the middle of my tank with good water flow.


Active Member
Don't give up on it yet BW and don't move it around a lot. They really don't like to be messed with IMO. I had to touch mine the other day and it looked like crap for the next 2 days. It's back to looking good again. I have always had better luck with mine when they are up high and I have always used halides. Not sayinf that they have to be high but that seems to be where they like to be in my tank.


I think so, it had been giving me problems since i got it. I found it in the sand upside down with barely in stock on it.