To Much Filter?


New Member
I currently have a 29 Gallon tank with a HOB filter. I am in the process of convincing my wife that I need a bigger fish tank I am thinking about 70 gallon right now.
But at this time I would just like to upgrade the filter for the tank that I have set up. I would eventually like to put the new filter on my new tank. So I was wondering if that is alright or if I would be filtering out the needed bacteria and nutrients that are in the water.
Any thoughts or comments on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,


New Member
Originally Posted by spanko
I'm sorry what is the new filter you are looking at?
I have not picked a specific filter yet just wanting a better filter that the hang on the back style. I was looking for more of a canister style filter. Knowing if I can actually do this will help me to know if I should look deeper into what specific filter I would like to get.
I liked this one "Tom Aquatics Rapids Pro Series PS3 Canister Filter" but have read that there were problems with the skimmer that was on it. But in the end somthing like this is what i will purchase.


Active Member
I really think a canister rated for a 70+gallon tank will put too much flow back into the 29 gallon, you will possibly created and uncontrollable sandstorm.
The question about it filtering too much IMO is moot. You cannot filter out the biological bacteria, and you can only go down to zero nutrients and a lot of reefers are striving for that.


New Member
Alright that is what i was wondering about. I guess it is always confusing when I read about a filter that says it is good for a tank up to a certain gallon.
So what would you look for in optimum output of gph in a filter for a 29 gallon tank.


Is it fish only or is it a reef tank? most of the time to keep algae at bay you want to have like 10x turnover so for a 29 gallon like 300 gph, on my bicube 29 I have the return rated at 243, and two koralia nanos both rated at 240 gph so for a total of 523 on a reef.


New Member
The tank is a reef tank. I have a few mushrooms, a leather and some zoos. but I am looking for more stuff as I go. That is why I am looking for more filtration and flow. I do have two powerheads in there right now but I would have no clue right now what they are rated for. I have had them for years.
thanks for your info that is great to know about the turn over rate!