To much flow for lion?


Active Member
Well my sump is FINALLY hooked up! :cheer: :cheer: But it seems the current is too strong???? Maybe he likes it? But he stays in the one spot and it looks like hes going to get blown away, he really wont move to another spot either. :notsure: I took out one of the maxijets but it still look like theres alot of flow. I have one maxi-jet 1200 and the mag-drive 7 that creates the flow. Thanks


Is this in a 125? If so then one powerhead isn't nearly too much. My lion used to like sitting in the current. When it got too much for him he would just move to a calm spot. My marine beta is like that too. Just sits there in the current fighting the water when there are plenty of calmer areas in the tank. I've got 5 maxi jet 1200's on my tank.


Active Member
in most of my tanks i keep the flow moving to the front of the glass i have large pawer hean on one end facing the front then my return in the center.and yes lions will eat flakes if it gets their attention long enough to chase it lol