to much flow?

i have 2 phs that run 800gph for my 30 gallon tank,should i just use one?
i do not have it set up yet but i am getting all the parts and stuff before i put anything in the tank,i have only about 10lbs of live sand in it now and some copepods,i am making a 10 gallong tank into a refuge and will put several lbs of live rock rubble and a deep sand bed as well as some cheato
will this be enough to remove all the nitrates? or do i need to put a skimmer on as well? i do not plan to have any large fish,just mabey a clown or 2 and some kind of blenny or something of the sort,and a cleaner shrimp or 2,but most stuff will be corals,i will also be adding a 250w mh 14k bulb

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Reeftanker84
i have 2 phs that run 800gph for my 30 gallon tank,should i just use one?This depends on what your going to keep in your tank.You have currently 26x gph turnover rate,this will be fine for softies and LPS provided you can keep the flow from blasting your coral .If you plan on keeping SPS yo may want and require more flow,SPS like more flow. Its going to depend on if you have enough random flow in your tank to keep detrius stirred up and suspended
i do not have it set up yet but i am getting all the parts and stuff before i put anything in the tank,i have only about 10lbs of live sand in it now and some copepods,i am making a 10 gallong tank into a refuge and will put several lbs of live rock rubble and a deep sand bed as well as some cheato
will this be enough to remove all the nitrates?
It depends on how much you feed and if your water you use is nitrate free from the get go.Also its going to depend on you water change schedule and quantity of water you change
or do i need to put a skimmer on as well?Highly reccomended i do not plan to have any large fish,just mabey a clown or 2 and some kind of blenny or something of the sort,and a cleaner shrimp or 2,but most stuff will be corals,i will also be adding a 250w mh 14k bulb
MH is a good choice ,you may be able to use 150w,but if you plan on getting a larger tank in the future 250w may be the way to go.Just know it may cause excessive heat in your 30g tank

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Reeftanker84
i do not have it set up yet but i am getting all the parts and stuff before i put anything in the tank,i have only about 10lbs of live sand in it now and some copepods,
? what
no use the two you have one from f/b and one s/s.
With w/c you will not but you can.
You may need to add a chiller to your set m/h add a lot of heat to the water.


Active Member
if they are conventional powerheads use one (better yet get two smaller ones two 350gph). If they are propeller style like Koralia's or tunze nano streams two 800gph would be fine. all the other stuff is simular to what I've done. I had about 5-10lbs of live sand in the display which was plenty for visual effect but I removed it all and made a deep sand bed in the sump. you will still need a protien skimmer. all I have a false perc, sixline and corals but the skimmer is still key IMO. If its a 36" 30g you'd probably be better served with two 150w (or 250) than one 250w because you'll have to raise it fairly high to get full coverage and only the better reflectors (lumenarc, lumenmax, lumenbright ect) are designed to cover that much area. here's what I've done to this point