To protein skim or not?


New Member
O.K. What's the final low-down on protein skimming. My 55 Gal. reef is only about a month and a half old now and I've been told don't worry about a skimmer yet since there would probably be nothing to skim yet. What does a ps actually skim? Is there a test to tell when I need it or not? Is it really needed at all or are there other types of filtration that do the same thing?
I also have ls,lr,a Fluval 304, and two power heads for circulation.


If you plan on keeping any fish or heaviy loads of corals, a ps will be mandatory... There are a lot of reasons why, just dont feel like typing them all out :D


New Member
It seems like no one is really sure what they do. Everytime time I ask someone what they specifically do, they don't know. They just use one because "someone" said they should.


Active Member
youll want a skimmer. You can wait a little while before getting one, but I would not go more than a couple of weeks after the cycle. Its best to start off right and not let organics acculmulate. Skimmers remove organics from the water, organics feed nitrates, therefore a skimmer improves overall filtration because what is removed by the skimmer, does not need to be broken down by nitrabacter. IMO a skimmer is a great piece of equip to have, you can have a tank without one, but with one its much easier. HTH


New Member
Thanks for the advice. I think I'll take it.
But is there a certain model that's not to thick? I bought a SeaClone the other day but returned it, for two reasons. One, most posts did not recommend it and second, it didn't fit behind my tank! I didn't think I was going to have one when I first set up the thing and now it's just too damn heavy to move.

rabid seacow

New Member
skimming is a no brainer for most reefers. When I added mine I was amazed at the stuff that the thing actually collects.
Nasty stuff!
And to think that that stuff is in your tank !
Yes it's true that it can rob the good stuff too like calcium and other stuff elements. But adding suppliments is a small price to pay for a healthier tank.
if you want a good budget priced skimmer go with the prism. It takes a little tweaking and break in time but I think you will be very pleased with the results.


Active Member
The aqua c remora pro is a nice little skimmer, slim too so It might fit, although Im not sure, if you cant fit a seaclone you might have trouble finding one that will fit, or might have to move the tank out a bit :eek: Wise move taking the seaclone back, you would have ended up eating whatever you paid for it :)


New Member
Definately skim after the cycle. I have a Prizm for an 80 gal tank and it works fine. It maybe a little under skimmed but my water quality is fine so I haven't worried about it much.


skimming during the cycle is the most important time!!!!! i balanced out my tank in 3 weeks, course i also cured my lr outside of the tank is a pool i had set up for that purpose. Skimmers are wounderful things, (so is 3# of lr per gallon, someday i may get there. need to win lotto first)


I have an in sump skimmer on my reef tank, and a CPR backpack on my FO tank. I really like the CPR. You only need about 3-4 inches behind the tank to fit it on. I think the prizim is a bit more narrow though.


The old seaclone has a bad history, but the new ones work quite well. The prizm stands up taller than the seaclone, but it is much narrower. If you don't have a canopy, you should have room for the prizm.


a skimmer isn't a must. But without you may /will need an alga tank for export. But skimming is easy. IME skimming the first year of setup is more important than later. After a year your tank will be alot more stable. 55g i would get a remora. prism isn't very good and i've read alot of ppl complaining after having them for almost a year. Time will tell. but they feel cheap IME. remora is solid. I take it youdon't have a sump? i would add more powerheads if you plan on keeping corals. When my 55g was set up i used 10x return on my sump, 4 maxijet 1200 powerheads and a backpac. I would concider that med current for a reef.= soties ,lps. A sps tank i would put more or may get by by directing the powerheads at the corals.

kris walker

Active Member
Don't forget that skimmers also skim out iodine, an important chemical corals use to remove toxic oxygen in their tissues.
I have Lee's skimmer for up to 30 gals, and it works great.


where did you read that? i never knew o2 can be toxic. if you feed your tank good foods you are adding 100-10,000x NSW. Iodide/iodine is being added everyday with good foods. I never dose any trace direct. Only with foods. i maintain calcium,alk and ph. that doesn't get skimmed out. i would never worry about overskimming if you have fish and feed them. Only if you had a 8" 24"tall euroreef/aerofoamer on a 40g then it maybe possible. But most ppl aren't going to spend $400= on a 40g.
[ October 28, 2001: Message edited by: Ironreef ]

kris walker

Active Member
Hi Ironreef,
Yea, that struck me as counterintuitive. According to J. Fatherree ("Hard Corals", t.f.h. publ.), oxygen is produced in different forms during photosynthetic and metabolic processes wihtin a coral. Some of these forms are destructive to the corals tissues. These must be neutralized, or the coral will die. Iodine is used to neutralize these destructive forms of oxygen. I don't know if the author was referring to O2 in particular. He may have been referring to other forms like O, but I really don't know.
What is "100-10,000x NSW"? Is this a concentration of iodine?
I didn't know the foods could be a good source of iodine. What sort of foods do you use? I typically use frozen brine shrimp, and sometimes a chopped-up blend of california rockfish.


100-10,000 times natural seawater. You want links of common aquarium foods that have been been tested. I can mail you links. @formula1 has 380ppm Iodide and seawater has 0.05 ppm. I forgot what the sample size was but if you feed your tank everyday you are adding most trace elements.