TO Q OR NOT TO Q- SWF says no


Active Member
Posted on fish discussion.....
SWF states not to quarentine 2 new fish purchases (4 inch raccon btfly and 3 inch flame angel) unless Q tank is at least 55g. They're view is that they have already been prepared to go directly into the display and puttin gthem in a Q runs the risk of "undoing" all the good that they have done.
I have always Q'd. Opinions as to what to do w/b welcomed.


Active Member
Concerning the fact that my success rate is 100% with fish that have been QTed (sample of 4 fish), I say QT.
Prior to that when I didn't QT (sample of about 12 fish), my success rate was about 33-50%.


Active Member
I have never had a disease with the multiple orders that I have made from I think that the majority of infections are being acquired from LFS's which cannot clean tanks between arrivals and are forced to mix multiple species.
However, considering that there are few effective medications that can be given for fish in a display tank, I think it is foolhardy not to quarantine.
Quarantining also forces you not to overstock you tank too quickly.