To RBTA or not?


Active Member
I have noticed a ton of people having luck with rose bubble tip anemone's. I also know that anemones are typically one of the more difficult items to keep. Are the RBTA's easier to keep then say a sebae or other anemone?


Active Member
Not sure about that, but BTAs can tolerate a lower lighting level than most other anemones. What kind of lighting do you have?


I just read that bubble tips are one of the easiest to keep as anemones go and that included the rose tip. The article called bubble tips "difficult" and Sebaes "more difficult"
Good luck


Active Member
I have 2 X 175w MHs and 2 NO actinics. I have one anemone that I've had for over a year, he never seemed to thrive and I never figured out why. Always seems deflated. I may bring it back to the LFS. Only prob, my clowns are hosting in it and I don't want to take it away.
I am not really thinking seriously about getting an RBTA, as my tank is pretty full. Just a little curious about their care.