To reefkprz and all other frag tankers


I am getting ready to set up a frag tank for mainly zoo's and ricordias maybe an LPS or 2 0r 5 if possible well here is my question. The tank is going to be a 36x16x12 I am planning on running T5's on top of it would that be strong enough lighting for LPS such as chalices.
Also it is going to have an overflow and an external pump returning the water what other types of water circulation would you do ???
PS nice to see you back reefkprz


Active Member
for in tank circulation a couple korallia powerheads would be great like 2 of the size 2 or 3s would be great.
and thanks, its good to be back.


would T5's be enough for chalices I have never really delt with corals and anything less than the halides I have on my DT


PS if you ever move to nc I am working on opening an aquacultureing facility in the next year and need a manager


tank is only 12" deep right? I would think T-5 would still be intense enough for light to penetrate to the bottom.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Quakstar
PS if you ever move to nc I am working on opening an aquacultureing facility in the next year and need a manager

tempting. I got a similar offer a while ago to move to california and run a facility out there but the missus and I have bought a house here and I dont think she wants to move anywhere. I tried to talk her into cali but she said no.


well if you reconsider I have a nice size warehouse already and the cost of living is dirt cheap down here :-D