to sexy or not to sexy


will a sexy shrimp go with a cleaner shrimp and a boxing crab and a porcline crab?
i heard that they are kinda hard to take care of. and anyone know how expencieve they are...ya know making 8.50 an hr isnt much...doenst go a long way


Active Member
Sexy shrimp may be small but IMHO they are quite hardy little critters. I have 8 of them in a 30 gal cube along with a pair of clowns, a bi color blenny, a chalk basslet 2 peppermint and 2 skunk cleaners and an emeral crab and have never had any problems.


8? u think ur a little obsessed? No im just playing. Ive never had one but they look so cool.

sea slug

one can never have enough shrimp
I have:
1 coral banded shrimp
3 pepermint shrimp
3 camelback shrimp
2 fire shrimp
1 scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp
yet I am compelled to buy more!? :jumping:


Active Member
have mine in with a pistol shrimp. I heard they like anenomes to hide in, but i guess they like anything soft, here's a pic of mine on top of a bubble. He has grown alot.


I have had the same three sexy shrimp for 6months. They do really well I never feed them. They are very happy on a carpet anemone.


Active Member
Sexy shrimp are wonderful...i bought mine for $9 or so i only an hour of work and its yours! how sad to think huh?
I had mine with a cleaner shrimp....not sure about the crabs.


well...i might just have to work a whole day and get 5 of them....taxes take the rest of the hours. thanks for the advice. i think they will be a great addition to my lil nano. thanks!!!