To Skim or NOT to Skim...


... That is the question!
Do I "need" to run a skimmer?
I know some of you out there run "skimmerless" systems. I'd like to have some of your input and/or suggestions.
Right now I've got a FOWLR system, soon to begin with corals. My equipment consists of the heater, a biowheel, and a powerhead.
My ammonia and nitrites have been 0 since the cycle finished; my nitrates have never reached 5 (somewhere just over 0; test kit only has "0" and "5" increments).
Thanks for any input & suggestions!


I am new to this site and will probably get blasted but I started my tank about a year ago and do not use a skimmer. I have many corals,fish,and inverts and have had very few casualities(1) However I have a 55 gal and do 10 percent water change once a week. It seems to work well for me. I also use a large wet/dry for filter. I have wondered about getting one myself but it goes back to if it ain't broke don't fix it! Also with what you have in your system I don't see a need for it.:D



Originally posted by jja
I am new to this site and will probably get blasted but I started my tank about a year ago and do not use a skimmer. I have many corals,fish,and inverts and have had very few casualities(1) However I have a 55 gal and do 10 percent water change once a week. It seems to work well for me. I also use a large wet/dry for filter. I have wondered about getting one myself but it goes back to if it ain't broke don't fix it! Also with what you have in your system I don't see a need for it.:D

A lot of people will probably say that doing 10% every week is "broke".
Skimming is not required, but highly recommended. It will remove proteins in the water before they have a chance to break down. This alone helps to reduce the frequency of water changes.
A skimmer, much like LR, LS, a power filter, all "clean" the water in one way or the other. In theory, the more of these you have, the more filtration and less water changes you have.
IMO, you should add a skimmer after about 4-5 months of a tank being up and running.


Active Member
I have been skimmerless for almost 6 years on my 72g and 3 years on my 125g. As long as you have a good nutrient export a skimmer is not needed. I use DSB's, LR, larg refugia w/DSB & caulerpa, and small monthly water changes for nutrient control, NO3=0 and PO4=0.


Thanks for the input...
So basically I should keep a close eye on it, keep up with water changes, and see what happens?


Active Member
To me a good skimmer is like good insurence. You can go without one but you need to be careful about it.


Active Member
Absolutely. It is not required, but would your system benefit by having it? You better believe it! As stated, it is yet another way to "clean" your water. It effectively pulls out DOC's (dissolved organic compounds. Your water may look crystal clear. Then you run a skimmer and it pulls out dark sludge. It is insurance. Combine a skimmer with live rock and live sand and your system is that much better off in my opinion. You don't have to have it, but one thing is very clear. It won't hurt anything to have one and it WILL improve your water quality.


Hmmm... Good advice, Salty.
I think I'll look into one after I get my lights.
Any suggestions for my 29 gal. tank?


I run mine 24/7 except when feeding. It pulls a bunch of stuff out.
The cheeper better ones I would say for a 29 would be a bakpak 2r.


Active Member
I agree with simm on the recommendation. For a tank 55 gallons and smaller, I recommend the CPR Bak Pak 2r. Check out NM Reef's website. He runs a CPR on his 55 gallon.


Active Member
I've run the tanks with and without.
I like some "protein-skimming" better than none.
Test result numbers don't change with or without the skimmer.
Tank's overall apparance didn't "look" much different either.
Nor did the livestock.
I just like to see the "gunk" coming out - and pouring it down the drain. Plus I bought the darn thing - I'm going to use it.


LOL, Broomer... thanks for the ... uh... advise!
Can you get these bakpak skimmers online? I haven't seen one by that name at either of my LFS's. And what $$ does it run?


I had a prizm skimmer on my 85 gallon until I broke the leaky peice of #$%@. I need to get another one all my coral and fish look good but my xenia just shriveled up and died in a matter of a week when I took off the skimmer. hmm I dunno :D
I have the CPR bak pak 2R on my tank (also 29gal).
It's being sold On line now for $109.00 which is very good.
Make sure you get the pre-skimmer. It hides the powerhead, and you can skim the surface also.


Thanks, tracklighter.
May I ask where you saw it online? And forgive my questions (I'm still learning!)... but what is a pre-skimmer? :confused:


Active Member
you can do a search with any search engine,
skimemrs are great insurance, yes, but not a requirement insome systems.
I would reccomend them on most.
10% weekly AIN'T broke, period. actually, MY BELIEF is do that even witha skimmer. without, do more. I f taht is all you are doing, without one, then you are doing good.


Active Member
I have a bakpak on my 29 gallon with a few mods done to it. Does it help? Not really sure, if nothing else it's a great place to put the heater run carbon from time to time.
Is it worth it to run one on a such a small tank provided you have a DSB and LR??? . . . .maybe not IMO. I would pick it up last after you have gotten everything else ( meaning lights in particular) ~~~~ which after re reading your post is exactly what you plan to do.... sounds like a good plan :)
Just check around, you can usually pick up a used bakpak for 50 or 60 bucks.
Check Here
this guy still might have his to sell, if nothing else this is the best place to check on used goods. Ok mods please don't edit this until she can atleast check it out.


Thanks, everyone, for your help and suggestions.
But I still don't understand what a PRE-SKIMMER is and what it does??