To Skim or NOT to Skim...


Josh, I checked out your other thread... cool pics!
Which brings me to another question, since you and Jon are hanging out here...
With my setup, could I keep a frogspawn or hammer? Slothy said he had a frogspawn in his tank before he gave the lights to Mike... but I thought they needed more light than that??


Active Member
yeah a frogspawn/hammer would be fne under your lighting. your just gonna have to experiment with location, flow, etc till he finds a spot he likes. but yeah definately!
for the most part, with that lighting, you should be able to care for the majority of the lps (large polyped stony corals) such as brains, anchors, cup corals, frogspawn, bubble, and most of the other popular ones. you will also be able to do a fine selection of softies as well. mushrooms, sarcophyton, sinularia, etc. all in all you should have a lovely tank once it gets kicking!
good luck


YAY!! :D
Now I suppose I just need to get a digital camera so I can post some pics, huh? Put that on my "wish list" after the skimmer.
Thanks to both of you... you've been a GREAT help to me today! I needed some playtime (errrr... research time) to get my mind off the fact that I have to go pay over $600 for a new radiator in my car later this afternoon. GRRRR.
Any other suggestions down the road would be appreciated as well.


Active Member
man thats a bummer about the radiator thing, anyways good luck with your tank! a dig camera is on my wish list as well as the stuff for my 55! anyhow good luck, post pics when you get em and have a nice day!


Active Member
No problem, I am just killing time before I go into work... fun fun.
Seriously, if you have anymore questions about your tank, just give me or jon, or anyone for that matter, a shout!
We almost made it to 2 pages :)