Originally Posted by
Veni Vidi Vici
Yup its a 125,built the stand , canopy and drilled it myself.Mostly sps a few lps and some softies.For fish i have 2 false percs, gold banded maroon,lawn mower blenny,fire fish,3 cardinals, and a naso tang.
Thanxs for the compliment
And a yellow Tang that has recently passed! Moment of silence please! I absolutely LOVE your tank. I have been a bow front guy for a while now and recently purchased one and with that being said, your tank makes me reflect back & possibly want a rectangle tank again! LOL I love it. Although my tank is NOWHERE near being finished I will post it nonetheless, but I must warn you, it's not even CLOSE to being as fly as most of these tanks! Also, I am not that regular, but here goes! A before and a few afters, although the afters aren't that recent, it was about 3 weeks ago and I have added approx. 4-8 corals since then and can't quite remember. Also Canon Powershot A540 + dirty tank = cloudy/sucky pics!