I have had a best friend for nearly 30 years. We've been more than brothers to each other since the 2nd grade, and we're both now almost 40. Anyway, I teach jr. high and my friend's son hangs around with some of society's future dirtbags. Actually, their dirtbags already. "Dan" the son, has one more strike and he's out...then it's off to an "alternative" school of education. My friend is a great dad, one of the hardest workers I know...even harder than me. He and his wife keep close tabs on Dan...but????. I know what the problem is. He and his wife have tried almost everything, except??? They drink like there's no tomorrow, they are truly functioning alcoholics. They've never been in any trouble with the law, they don't drink & drive, and they don't get stuipd drunk, they just like to get plain old drunk. They're fine financially, the alcohol doesn't cause any noticible problems (except this one). Don is just rebelling because each weekend when everyone is off from school, work, etc. My buddy and his wife would rather throwback about two cases of bud than do family stuff. Don't get me wrong they don't totally ignore their three kids all the time, just on Friday & Saturday, and then on Sunday for recooperation. And his parents want me to talk to him about the drinking and their son. I know I have to, I've even done it to some small degree a few times, but this time it's gotta work. Needless to say, I really not looking foward to this. :scared: