to the experts, what is the easiest fish to bree?


I would like to breed any kind of fish in my 55gal reef tank. so I would like to know from you guys what is the easiest fish to breed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eddiesamuil
I would like to breed any kind of fish in my 55gal reef tank. so I would like to know from you guys what is the easiest fish to breed.
not an expert by any means but probably clown fish


Active Member
i think it would pretty tough to breed any fish in a tank...cause its such a confined space that the eggs end up being eaten before they can amount to much...i could be wrong though....


Active Member
Typically you need more than just your tank to successfully raise the offspring. They will "breed" in the tank, but the offspring will likely not survive without being removed.
Clownfish, dottybacks, bangaii cardinalfish are all candidates.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eddiesamuil
I would like to breed any kind of fish in my 55gal reef tank. so I would like to know from you guys what is the easiest fish to breed.
Consider the more constant time and $$$ you will be spending on monitoring the fry and the equipment and setups.
Ive herd Bangaii Cardinals are easier to breed than clownfish. Try and find a book on it before u invest in anything.


I would have to say... sharks are the easiest... jk guys... i would go with clowns if you can afford a seperate place to put the offspring...


Active Member
bangaii cardinals are the easiest to get to breed suposedly. And both bangais and neon gobies are easiest to raise because they can feed on baby brine shrimp right as they come out of the egg. you dont have to deal with a rotifer and greenwater mess like you do with clownfish. i would suggest bangaiis.