to vacuum or not to vacuum


My lfs lady told me that I should vacuum tank monthly, not sure if this is a good idea.? I vacuum fresh water tank, and have only done it once in sw tank. Who does it and who doesn't and why that is the question.


Originally Posted by misslaina
My lfs lady told me that I should vacuum tank monthly, not sure if this is a good idea.? I vacuum fresh water tank, and have only done it once in sw tank. Who does it and who doesn't and why that is the question.

I let my Gobbie do it for me i love this guy.


I got a ranifords (sp?)this weekend, but he doesn't do a whole lot of sand, getting fat on copepods though.


Active Member
if you had crushed coral i MIGHT consider it. But i say definatly not if you have live sand. You will vaccum up a lot of benificial creatures, sand, and not to menton make a mess too!


Active Member
dont vaccum sand....takes all your critters away...and it releases nitrates back into the water (some chemical break downs occur in the sandbed)


Active Member
If you have crushed coral, yes. I believe it is necessary (kinda like freshwater aquarium gravel). If it is a sand bed then no.