to wave box....or not to wave Box?


ive been reading a lot of info on Tunze Wavebox 6212. Now is this a investment i should look into or is it a wast of time and money.
If i Buy one it would go into my recently built 200g.
Should i do a wave box and a PH
or just Two power heads.
I plan to have SPS in the tank.


Active Member
Dont know any thing about Tunze Waveboxes. I use a scwd on my 150g and like it. On a 200g you might want to use two. Around 40$ each. plus pluming parts.


Active Member
I use one on my 300g and absolutely love it. The Wavebox is an easy solution for moving every bit of water in the tank, albeit the rockwork prevents some areas from flowing as well as the water in the upper part of the water column.
Other means of flow are still needed though. When detritus and such gets moved by the Wavebox itself, it just rocks back and forth gently in the water column. A good closed loop or well-positioned powerheads can easily take advantage of the Wavebox's capabilities and give you the opportunity to move detritus out in the open and into the overflow box or skimmer.


Active Member
I love the idea but can't afford one right now... I'm sure other companies will start to mimic them and lower the price eventually.
I am kind of concerned about the waves eventually building up to the point where water gets splashed around. Is there a solution for this?


Active Member
Ok, is it me, or in the first video do the tangs keep fighting the whole time?
Other than that.. Wow.. I really like how that looks!


The video clip is speed up so you can see the units turning.
I bought the OM Squirt (4 way output). I love it!


Active Member
Oh, I know.. but watch the Tangs.. They are all over each other in and out of the frames.
I may look into that.. they really seem like they are doing a great job.