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Gonna take a wild guess. You have the Red Sea test kit. Throw it away and get a better kit. You will always be reading .25 with this kit unless you are lucky. Seems to be a common problem with them.
If it is not then take a sample to the LFS and have them test the ammonia for you to correlate the readings. You may have a bad reagent.
Here is a picture of a leather coral shedding from wet web media.
I am going to disagree on the red sea test kit..I have used them for years. Just because the ammonia test says .25 does not mean something is wrong. In fact the more sensitive the test all readings are there. Other test kits just don't bother to register .25 until it is on the high end of that .25
.25 is barly readable and nothing to be concerned about. If you are at all worried, get one of those ammonia discs that attach to the side of the tank, as long as it is in the safe range the water is fine.
It is not a false reading. Just watch for experation dates. Chemicals have a shelf life of about 1 year.