Toadstool is changing colors, HELP


Everything was going good with my toadstool until yesterday when I noticed it changing colors, on the edges from green to brown. Did a water change on Sat. Tested water parameters today and everything is good. Whats happening?



Well-Known Member

I could be wrong but isn't the natual color for a toadstool tan? If I am right then you had a coral that was not natural color and it's natural color will come out and the dye will fade.
If I am wrong about color...Your lights, how old are they?


All of my 6 t5 bulbs are about 2 months old. It was green when I got it so maybe the color is fading? Weird.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by zero26
All of my 6 t5 bulbs are about 2 months old. It was green when I got it so maybe the color is fading? Weird.
Is there a way to look up toad stools and check on color? I think I saw a bright yellow one for sale by and it was not the natual color, that's why I mentioned it.
If green is it's natural color, you do need to find out why it faded, it could be a clue that something is wrong. When my corals do something weird like sudden closing or color changes, that tells me to check things out.
If tan is natural you can breath a sigh relief. Just don't sigh until you are sure.


Ok, won't breath a sigh yet. When you investigate what do you look for? Heres what I got, at the moment as seen in my other posts that I am battling a diatom bloom, a big one. And hair algae.
My water tests are:
Ammonia .025 cant seem to get it to zero ever since I started
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
phosphate 0
PH 8.2
ALK in the normal range


Active Member
Those levels look to be OK.........I would not see a diatom outbreak to be the issue unless there was a coating of them on him. Maybe a baster blast to blow them of if that where the issue, but I do not think so.The issue with an Algae outbreak if prams are OK is many times too much light after a lighting or bulb upgrade..
Toads can vary somewhat from one to another as to their colors. Most I have ever had have bodies are some shade of brown or tan with a variation in tentacle color.
The thing that should concern me here is I see no tentacles extending...It looks to be in distress...That could be a sign of something amiss....... Another issue could be molting of shedding, has it done that recently or is it starting to now? BUT A Toadstool is a pretty hardy little critter, give it some time to see what happens, it could just be entering a shedding stage.
Here is an example of a small one I have that looks to be about the same small size and is happy........Good luck and keep us up to date on any change....... Warren


Active Member
Gonna take a wild guess. You have the Red Sea test kit. Throw it away and get a better kit. You will always be reading .25 with this kit unless you are lucky. Seems to be a common problem with them.
If it is not then take a sample to the LFS and have them test the ammonia for you to correlate the readings. You may have a bad reagent.
Here is a picture of a leather coral shedding from wet web media.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zero26
When it sheds does it excrete a brown substance?
Shedding does release bits or what looks like bits or flakes of brown stuff. ( sort a looks like dead shin bits) Sometimes they can appear to at first shrink in size a bit too. If you are seeing this, lets just give it some time. If you had not seen that before shedding would be my choice of what is happening......


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Gonna take a wild guess. You have the Red Sea test kit. Throw it away and get a better kit. You will always be reading .25 with this kit unless you are lucky. Seems to be a common problem with them.
If it is not then take a sample to the LFS and have them test the ammonia for you to correlate the readings. You may have a bad reagent.
Here is a picture of a leather coral shedding from wet web media.

I am going to disagree on the red sea test kit..I have used them for years. Just because the ammonia test says .25 does not mean something is wrong. In fact the more sensitive the test all readings are there. Other test kits just don't bother to register .25 until it is on the high end of that .25
.25 is barly readable and nothing to be concerned about. If you are at all worried, get one of those ammonia discs that attach to the side of the tank, as long as it is in the safe range the water is fine.
It is not a false reading. Just watch for experation dates. Chemicals have a shelf life of about 1 year.


I think the coloring is okay...looks like they are returning to a natural color. One thing I can see is that they are not out. IMO you should try to direct a little more flow on them.
When I got my toadstools they were on the bottom of the tank with very little flow and they looked just like yours, but I moved them up higher and in direct flow and they have sprouted.


Active Member
I agree on the flow and light thing too. The little one in my shot is in a low flow area and is slow growing which I like at this point. (I am very overcrowded.) His "Daddy" is higher up and in a higher flow area and grows like a weed........


I am afraid if I move him anywhere else he might get knocked over. He's in pretty good flow now, if you watch you can see him jiggling back and forth in the current.
I need to get some glue to secure him to a rock.