toadstool issues


New Member
I purchased a toadstool from my local pet shop yesterday, today it looks in my opinion, weird... all my water specs were good before purchasing it. now it looks like it's squatting ontop of a free loading bubble anenome, with some browning on the oppisite side from the anenome. It is midway up the tank, with what should be sufficant flow.
Please let me know what I should do or not do.
If a picture would help please let me know.
thanks in advance
its probably shedding. just keep it in good flow and that will help it shed. mine did the same when i took it home. and now it does it every couple of months


i have had a toadstool for 6 yrs now, he is the size of a basket ball i fragg him every 2mo i get a 100 frags i sell them to lfs for 7.50, My toadstool pays for my saltwater addittion, good luck with urs


New Member
from what you all have said, i kinda feel like i'm over reacting. I just see it hung over and wonder if it's going to live....
but if it's normal to see it like this every once in a while I guess I need to wait it out.
thanks for the info