toadstool leather keeled over!


New Member
toadstool leather well established keeled over yesterday,and is still laying over today. no marks or strange colors,is he sick or just resting? never seen this happen before,has been fine for 6 months.


is there a bend in the stalk? are you sure it keeled and was not knocked over what is it attached to?
Originally Posted by moparmussel
toadstool leather well established keeled over yesterday,and is still laying over today. no marks or strange colors,is he sick or just resting? never seen this happen before,has been fine for 6 months.

It should be fine. It will perk back up. Mine does this from time to time if i've stressed it out. Unfortunately the polyps no longer come out because my clowns decided to host it. I took their anemone away and they constantly lay in the toadstool. I might need to give them their old home back if this behavior persists.


Active Member
they do it from time to time if doesnt perk back up in a week from when it happens its time to check your parameters or what conditions like flow that may have changed in your tank