Toadstool Leather ?'s

cayman isl

Any day now!! Usually in the morning when the first lights start to come on. You will start to see the polyps push up on that gray film and eventually bust thru.
Hang in there!!


Staff member

Originally posted by Armlocker
Well its about 50% greyish colored now and hasent opened up and its been 7 days. Still hoping for the best i guess..... :mad:

Can you get a pic up? Do you see any sort of film at all on the surface of the coral? Is the coral still firm and upright?
Just want to be sure that there really isn't a problem. It is normal for it stay closed. Mine stayed close for around 3 wks, then, one day, it shed, then blossomed like a spring rose.


Beth, there is no film on the surface of the coral just all around the stock. When i woke up this morning it looked like the stock had softened and the whole "head" of the coral was sitting on the rock. After about an hour of the halide being on it stood up again slightly and i can see the stock again. I figured a bad pic was better then nothing, so i got a couple with my webcam, which wouldnt reach, so i had to zoom in, so basically they are terrible pics i apologize. Hope it can help in some way though.


Active Member
If it stood up right then it should be okay just give it time these corals tend to take time to accumlate perhaps you might have to wait another week to start seeing it do something.


Well it finally looks like it did when i picked it out from the LFS. took 15 days. My new frogspawn and xenia look great too after only a couple hours! :jumping: