Toadstool leather?


Can anyone tell me whats up with my toadstool. Water tests are as follows:
Temp 78
Ca= 420
dKh= 13
Lighting= VHO 48" Actinic white x 2
VHO 36" Actinic (True) x 2
PC 130 Watts
Tank size is 90 and toadstool are near top with good current moving them.
Water is not RODI but i do use water that I runn through 3" pvc column 4 foot long filled with charcoal and then ad the dechlorinator. Let stand with powerhead and airator for 2 weks. Then i ad reef crystals to desired alinity and let stand 2 more weeks before i add. I also test that water b4 ading for Copper/iron/ and salinity. Water holding tank heats to same as tank before i do changes
Any ideas?


sorry i didnt say what was wrong with the stool.......polyps do not extend like .....toadstool cap is smooth ...they will come out just very minutely...almost like small bumps but never extend fully from the shroom cap


Active Member
I have had mine not open like yours when it is shedding. The 1st time I seen this it looked as though a thin layer of "skin" was on it, some pieces floating/flowing by the current but still attached. Do you see this?


I couldn't agree more!! When they are growing or shedding they will remain smooth and the tentacles will not extend! If it has only been a couple of days then I wouldn't worry!! It will come out larger ! If it has been longer then I would worry


Have you moved it recently? I've had leathers shut down for a couple of weeks when moved into brighter light. They usually shed a couple of times & then are OK.


It has had the light adjusted. The near 300 watts of VHo is relatively new. This did increase the watts per gallon considerably. Could this be the problem with acclimation to the new light? Is there anything i can do to assit in the shedding process or should i just let it have time to occur naturally?


Sounds like it might be the light. Can you move it lower in the tank & then gradually move it back?
Once the skin starts falling off you can blow it off with a turkey baster, but you don't really need to.