Toadstool Slumped Over


I had the same thing happen to me. All the rest of my corals were doing great. I ended up pulling the toadstool out and putting him in a qt. He made a come back so I put him back into the display after a couple weeks and he started slumping and eventually died. The only difference in tank readings at the time was the show tank had nitrates at about 20-30, and the qt was at 0.(I am slowly getting the trates down with the addition of a refugium) Then the owner of a lfs told me that he found that toadstools are susceptible to any nitrates. I always thought they were very hardy, but I'll take his word for it. He has some really nice toadstools in his display. What are your readings? That would be the first thing to look at. Also lighting?


Are you sure that's a toadstool and not a baby's leg in that pic? rofl Sorry, that just looks very strange to me. lol
Sorry, but when I clicked on the link, it said, "Look, Worlds best Lesbians." Good thing I know how to delete cookies on this computer! I'm at work.


Sure sure...I bet that is the story you will tell when your boss comes knocking on your door about the

ring you really run :D


I know, I'm utterly and completely nosey...but I have to ask...what's up with the strange assortment of pictures on your site? Cell phones, purses, shoes and...hello kitty? (I'm not trying to be a jerk...I'm just *really* nosey :D )


Don't worry about it. I asked the same question a couple of months back and was told that other peoples leather has done the same thing. It will straighen back up if you leave it alone.
Mine was doing it for a little over a week.


Well I rearranged the tank a bit because someone suggested it might be because of lighting (there are two other toadstools which are doing fine but positioned higher). Lighting is one 55 watt pc smartlight. It is doing much better now although still occasionally slumped. It also has a very crappy base, mostly LR rubble so it has the tendency to tip over (any suggestions??)
Oh and as for the "odd" pictures on my "site"...those were mostly things I sold on ---- for other people I never took the time to remove....


Well everything in my tank is doing great, including two other toadstools but this one still isn't too happy. I think part of the reason is that it has a really crappy excuse for a base and keeps tipping over. Any suggestions please?? I was thinking if things continue to look bad with this one I can try a last minute propogation to save what I can.