toby puffer in peacful tank is it possible?

murray bmf

I had a blue spotted puffer, or more correctly a toby for several years with no problems. He never bothered any of my shrimps or "significant" inverts, meaning the ones I could keep track of. I have 50 or so snails so if he happened to eat one I did not notice. The only thing he wanted to eat, and that I observed, was the clams my wife bought, which we got in the last few months. As a result I reluctanly took him back to the LFS as the Toby was mine and the clams were my wifes, so go figure :thinking: . Other than that he was no problem at all. Here is a pic of what I had.


I keep one with 3 Turbo snails and a Strawberry hermit crab with no problem. But he did Kill 5 naussus (sp) snails and some other things early on.
Otherwise he is a really nice fish! Doesn't bother any of the other fish and he has a great personality.


Active Member
I have a hawian saddle back. he dosent bother corals, shrinp, hermits or turbos, but he does love to nassuas snails. (my spelling is horrible) I bought 200 on line, and keep then in the fuge. I throw ten or so in every couple of weeks. He slurps them up. I had a valinitni before our move, (he jumped during move). we got it very small. he was like 2 inch. he never bothered anything even the snails.

murray bmf

Originally Posted by TriGa22
Murray. Was yours fine with corals? If so would they work in a 30.
I don't have a lot of corals, mostly leathers, colts, Xenia and frogspawns. I do recall him picking at my mushrooms and brains, I guess I should have added that to my original post. Overall he was a great fish, he just went nuts when my wife brought those clams home. He really wanted to eat them. While I had him for years and he never go bigger than about 2.5", I'm not sure if a 30 would be big enough for him, He seemed alright in my 75.