toby puffers


Active Member
Does anyone have any experience with any of the toby puffers I've heard they nip coral but that's not really an issue since it will be kept in a fish only tank I've also heard they might nip tank mates is this common? Does one puffer have more of rep for nipping fish than the other puffers?


Well-Known Member
i have kept one but with little successe. it was VERY shy and getting it to eat was a challenge. it ate very slow and it couldnt keep up with all my other fish.


Active Member
Hmm I might have to pass on the puffer for now I don't think my fish would let him eat


Well-Known Member
well my puffer was also skinny to begin with so i dont know if that had something to with it. i wouldnt give up just yet.


Active Member
Well I have a red tail trigger, yellow tang, lieutenant tang and a pair of clownfish right now they're all very aggressive and fast eaters


Active Member
Yeah but I don't know if I want a football sized puffer swimming around my tank. But I'm open to other fish suggestions.


Well-Known Member
i would suggest a clown trigger but i dont know if you want that. what about some larger wrasses.


Active Member
I've thought about a clown trigger but I've heard a lot of horror stories about them plus I'd probably add him last if I were to get one. I haven't really looked into wrasses all that much is there a particular wrasse you'd recommend


Well-Known Member
i like the twin spot but they get huge. what about a sadle wrasse. and all those storys about clown triggers are from people that dont know what they are doing.


Active Member
The saddle wrasse looks pretty interesting I'm gonna look into keeping one. I'm curious how do you keep a clown trigger from killing its tank mates?


Well-Known Member
its hast to do with its personality. some of them find killing thing fun. others can be sweet and not bother any fish and can be kept in a reef tank with many small fish. it all hast to do with picking the right, mature clown trigger. but if it is not something you really want to do then its not worth it IMO. have you thought about a fox face?


Active Member
How do you know if your picking a nice one? Tell me your secrets. I have I like the magnificent foxface I plan to get one eventually.


Well-Known Member
How do you know if your picking a nice one? Tell me your secrets. I have I like the magnificent foxface I plan to get one eventually.
lol ok. when picking a clown trigger or any trigger, it MUST be with other fish and it MUST be an adult(8"+). this way you can watch it interact with other fish and learn its personality. watch for aggression mostly, if it shows aggression to fish for no reason dont get it. if it is over protective of its home, dont get it. make shure all the fish in the tank with it are not beat up from the trigger. its ok if the trigger will chase fish out of its home but not too much. and make shure you watch it feed. some clown triggers freak out when other fish eat when it is. so if it checks out with every thing i listed, your good to go. oh and make shure the trigger has been at your lfs for a while so that it is setled in and acting normal.

Also what do you know about an Assasi trigger.
same thing as a humu trigger.


Active Member
Well I'm gonna head to the lfs tomorrow and see if they have any triggers if they do I'll pick out a good one and make you proud sensei.