Today in my Reef


Active Member
First post-Katrina zoas:

Orange and Purple 11-16-05
There's that weird snail again. I swear he checks out everything I put in the tank.


Active Member
Awsome pics everyone. I might need to buy one of those maze brains. I had a favia/favite brain before, but it deteriorated :( I think it had a parasite.
Careful around that pistol shrimp! I heard that they can break your fingers if they pop with your hand in the tank :scared:


Active Member
i would like a maz brain. They had one at my LFS for 55, but it was bleeching....... when i pointed it out to the owner he said hed give it to me for 50..... i was like... psh... whatEVER. not for a dieing coral.


Active Member
Hehe. I don't blame you! Mine was 35. They can be a risky coral from what I have been reading, but so far, so good.


Active Member
Finally got a good shot of my damsel:
Domino Damsel, Dascyllus trimaculatus

Some new zoas I picked up today:

Nice Greens
These seem to have some potential. Some look like they have what ppl call "double skirts". The top most polyp in the middle is awesome.


hey quick ? for u
in ur YWG post u said "here is ONE of my YWG's"
do u have more than one in ur tank or just misstype? if u have more than one thats awesome how are they doing together?


Active Member
I have 2. To be perfectly honest I haven't seen either one of them in a couple days. I have a lot of rock and the damsel keeps them from just hanging out in the open.
SO... I hope they are doing well. I realise that your question was really asking about how the 2 of them get along since they are said to do better singly. But, I think I might have a pair... they were together in the same hole at the LFS.
I know my pistol shrimp is still doing well, because every morning more sand is moved around. I'm hoping the ywg's will make an appearance soon.