Today's New additions!

This afternoon, my wife dragged me to the lfs kicking and screaming, but once there we couldn't help but buy more livestock.
For the 30 gal. reef tank she bought an good sized bubble coral. For the 35gal. we bought a keyhole angelfish, and a monkey dung sea cucumber.
Anyway to make a long story short here, I was wondering if anyone else has ever had a FOWLR with just 1 fish that seemed lonly? Reason I ask is because now that the keyhole angel has been in there my regal tang not only doesn't hide as much, but he seems to be a tad perkier.


Active Member
when we started our 75, after the cycle, we adde an algae blenny, and he was fine, then in a couple of weeks, we started to move some of the fish from our 40, and then we noticed we saw him more often, as you mentioned, he was more spry too(so it seemed anyway)


Well I guess the same thing happened to me, except it's the other way around. My cleaner shrimp died two days ago because my heater went crazy, and now my sebae is alone and seems a little bit sad :( . He does not move like he used to, he's not sick or anything, he's eating very well. That's why I'm thinking on getting another fish soon :D .
I appreciate the question, for I was thinking about this last night....How big will the keyhole Angel get?..I have read that they are the largest of their genre.
Also to answer your question, yes I have a larger tank. I have my 120 that is still empty. provided these fish continue to stay heardy and healthy, it will hold my clown trigger, regal tang, and the keyhole angel....I may just leave the 120 at that with the exception of the clean up crew.