Todays ***** visit....OMG


Active Member
So i went to the local ***** for dogfood and checked out the fish and saw a very sickly looking niger trigger. so I commented to the lady about his health, and as i was about to leave i saw him munching on a gold fish
, I told her this was a bad idea and why it was a bad idea, she says it is there normal practice for the more agressive fish to have a live snack. I wont be buying fish there ever again.


I wouldn't buy anything from ***** to begin with....
Let me edit that....
I wouldn't have walked into *****...and not expected that to begin I wouldn't have bought anything from ***** to begin with.


Active Member
Here we go again ...

How many times have we got to hear about ***** and their rep. Just don't give them the business and don't shop there again.


Yeah... I went in the other day and there was a Yellow Tang that looked dead, laying on its side. No fin movement or anything. I told the girl that they may have lost a tang over there. She was like "Oh no he's just fine! I was just playing with him!". So she proceeds to grab her net and nudges him around the tank. The fish, showing very little signs of life, was trying its best to get away from the net while she was "playing" with it. She goes "See, he's just fine!". Irritating...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
Here we go again ...

How many times have we got to hear about ***** and their rep. Just don't give them the business and don't shop there again.

Yeah, basic common sense says " don't buy exotic, wild sea creatures from a mass merchandiser with untrained employees."


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
Yeah, basic common sense says " don't buy exotic, wild sea creatures from a mass merchandiser with untrained employees."
I am going to put that on a T-shirt. lol


I wish ***** was close to me I travel about 1 hr to go there some times.
me if you want
But i get so tired of people
bashing them and posting it on this sight.
So you don’t like it don’t go there don’t talk about it people go there because they want to see if it is really is that bad because they saw the name on this sight, then they buy from them.
I see deed fish come from every place i go 90% of the LFS i ever went to had ICk but the difference is the LFS people know what it is the 16 to 18 year old bagger/cashier that never saw a saltwater fish tank in there life thinks it looks cool and doesn’t know, all we can do is educate them and then all they can do is listen to the MAN just like any other business
There should be a rule about people bashing other businesses on this sight.


Active Member
I was not bashing *****. I don't care were I saw this at I would still talk about it, And I am pretty sure ***** can take care of them selves, and If you are in business you MUST be open to critisism, This is the only way you can be succesful, I think people on here are tired of *****'s as well as any other stores that have such a lack of understanding and compasion for life just to make a buck. If you practice bad business you should be exposed.


If I go to my local ***** and petsmart there is a huge in how they treat there fish and as a conscientious marine aquarist it is my duty to notice these things!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Waterlogged
If I go to my local ***** and petsmart there is a huge in how they treat there fish and as a conscientious marine aquarist it is my duty to notice these things!

I agree; this isn't "***** Bashing". The comments regarding *****, IMO, reflect exactly what this forum is for: to share experiences and opinions with other hobbiests. I'm sure there are a few decent and dedicated ***** employees. But; they recruit all employees, including management, from the general retail world--not devoted hobbiests. LFS have their problems too but are a world apart. It appears PetSmart may be moving into SW as well, Great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishyfrenzy
I hate when major chains mistreat their fish...

That's the whole thing. In the WalMart, *****, Petsmart world; live fish are simply merchandise, no different than a can of dogfood. What's the difference between a Powder Blue Tang and a chunk or frozen halibut, if you're not a hobbiest? Not everyone shares (Or, IMO, should they be required to) our sense of values when it comes to tropical fish.


Sometimes...I wish we could make a huge petition and send it to the CEO's of the companies to improve living conditions...


Active Member
Folks, we've said this before. If you don't like the way a major chain treats their livestock don't purchase from them. Any of them...Anything.
Corporations are in business to make money. If they start losing business they will change their practices to accomodate the customer.
Many stores use some products to lure customers in to sell them different products. If you refuse to buy a fish, but still buy cat/dog food from them they don't really care. You spent money.


The thing that makes me mad is that I purchase things for my dog there, and that the only other place to go is to walmart, who doesn't have as nice of a selection, and they also treat their livestock poorly.


Originally Posted by srfisher17
I agree; this isn't "***** Bashing". The comments regarding *****, IMO, reflect exactly what this forum is for: to share experiences and opinions with other hobbiests. I'm sure there are a few decent and dedicated ***** employees. But; they recruit all employees, including management, from the general retail world--not devoted hobbiests. LFS have their problems too but are a world apart. It appears PetSmart may be moving into SW as well, Great!
I didn't mean petsmart has saltwater.Sorry.
I go there for my freshwater tanks. But looking at the fish between the 2 places, there is no comparison. We have 3 *****'s in town and to be fair the 1 isn't to bad. They have no corals or live rock and I aplaude them for this decision.