together in fish tank for color?????


Active Member
i have 2 clowns a snail and hermit i want a peacefull fish tank but i would like to add a few easy things for color, i know im not buying anything right now just talking, here are a few things i seen how do you guys think they would work are they easy to care for and could i put them to gether and what do you feed them ?
1. mushroom polyp green ricordea
2. umbrella mushroom
3. green eye zoo
i would like to get shrimp and a fish that it can jump on and clean not sure which ones yet any idea?????
also could u guys give me a fish list for the things i like that would go good together ?
i also like the schooling green ch. too


New Member
The corals you have in mind are all easy to take care of...good choice for beginner. Just remember to give them space apart.. with right tank quality they will grow! Mushrooms need elements added to the water for nutrition...iodine etc. I feed mine that as well as phytoplankton. Not sure on the zoos....
Also I recommend cleaner shrimp.
Fish...there is a wide variety for color you could get
Angels (be careful some pick at corals) research the ones you have in mind good.
I have a coral beauty, also flame angel is good choice
damsels (maroons tend to be a little more aggressive)
How long have you had your tank setup? I would not recommend any mandarins or blennys if not at least 6 months with lots of live rock.
In my reef I have
yellow tang (kinda difficult diet)
maroon clown
yellowtail damsel (since beginning)
coral beauty(likes mysid shrimp the best)
2 camelback shrimp
4 nassaruis snails
lawnmower blenny
bubbletip anenome
kenya tree
star coral
button polyps
2 green striped mushrooms
red mushroom
and lots of polyps starting all over live rock
Have had my tank up since 10/06
and all seems happy and well :joy:


Active Member
how established does the tank need to be to add the zoos and mushrooms should i add them first or should i get all the fish i want then add them? i have 2 clowns and hermit and snail now 55gal i want shrimp that will clean fish too not sure which of the two does that and i like green ch too


New Member
How long has your tank been up?
I would add all the fish first...see how that goes then slowly get some corals dependent on how long your tank has been up..I would recommend at least 3-4 months with good water perim.
The green ch are a good choice they are docile but need to be in groups of at least 3 and need lots of swimming space.
Neon gobie is a good choice for fish cleaning, they will also eat the ick parasite off of fish.
Cleaner shrimp will also clean fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dahlia
Mushrooms need elements added to the water for nutrition...iodine etc. I feed mine that as well as phytoplankton.
I have to disagree on adding any elements for mushrooms or zoos, especially iodine. Your salt mix contains everything you need. You dont need phytoplankton for zoos or shrooms either. They will grow just fine with routine maintenance.
I personally never add anything I can't test for. What kind of lights do you have?


Active Member
Cool. You are good to go. You can keep alot of corals with your lights such as Mushrooms, Zoos, Frogspawn, Torch Corals, Fox Corals, Xenia, Trumpet Corals, Kenya Tree, Colt Corals and Hammer Corals just to name a few. For the most part you can keep most LPS (Large Polyp Stony) and all softies. You just won't be able to keep SPS, Clams and anemones generally speaking. Hope I have helped.


New Member
As far as elements for the coral...I got that info from a saltwater fish store. The best on the East Coast. They deal with only saltwater and lots and lots of it...Thats what I add and my stuff seems to be doing great!
But as with anything else saltwater related...trial and error...whatever works best for you, stick with it. Everyone has diff opinions.
Except of course the common sense stuff I suppose.
I am very new to saltwater myself but have learned quite abit by trial and error alone.