tomato clown

tank a holic

Active Member
so I have a Tomato Clown, and Im thinking about getting another
the one I have is probubly 2ish years old and about 3 +/- inches long
my question is.. is it too late to pair this one up or can I just get a juvenile and it will take the male role?
and how long can the new on be is there a certin size they have to be before they're adults?

lord fu fu

well i think it isn't too late but you would have to probably find one like just a little smaller since he will prbably beat a very small one (1"-2") into a pulp since they fight to see who is the top female. i would say go for it and see how things play out

tank a holic

Active Member
well Im not going to get one if its pretty much going to die, my hoping is that the big one will establish dominance quickly and the other will just assume the male role
If this wont work I'll just have 1 clown


Active Member
the current one will surely injure or even kill the new comer. if u r going to get one, get one much bigger.


Active Member
Getting non-juvi large clown species to get along is very doubtful, IMO & IME. The only reliable way to keep two is to get two juvis or a mated pair; again, IME & IMO. There are exceptions, but the resident large clown will usually instantly attack the newcomer and won't stop untill its dead. If you try it, before the new fish does his time in QT, float it in a plastic bag in the DT. A clown will often attack the newcomer while he's still in the bag. If all seems ok, then QT the new clown, if not, back to the LFS. (in 3400+ posts, I think this is the 1st time I've ever suggested buying a fish from anywhere other that the great online dealers.)

tank a holic

Active Member
looks like as far as tomato's, I'll just stick to the one I have.
thank you all for the help and advise

can I get a clown of another color, for instance a perc and have them get along, or will I still be up the same creek with no paddle

I have a 125 btw is that big enough to change anything?

tank a holic

Active Member
I know tangs and some other fish are agressive toward fish of the same species or that look similar but you can have blue tabgs, yelloy tangs and sailfin tangs and they'll do ok togather


Active Member
Originally Posted by tank a holic
looks like as far as tomato's, I'll just stick to the one I have.
thank you all for the help and advise

can I get a clown of another color, for instance a perc and have them get along, or will I still be up the same creek with no paddle

I have a 125 btw is that big enough to change anything?
There are exceptions, of course. But, IME & IMO, a large clown (tomato, maroon, cinnamon, etc) will seldom tolerate ANY other clownfish in the same tank---especially when the big clown is established. Years ago, I had a big female maroon kill a new maroon while it was still in the lfs bag. Most clowns are incredibly territorial (as opposed to aggressive) and will usually consider the entire tank their territory. Sometimes you can get lucky; but you pays your money and you takes your chances.

tank a holic

Active Member
heard it
I dont want to get a fishy killed so looks like i'll stick to 1
hey thats why you're supposed to research all purchases right?
thanks yall