Tomato hosting GSP


I bought this guy an anemone a few days ago, and tried the old picture of a clown hosting to give him the idea (this has worked for me in the past). The anemone wedged itself, somewhat inaccessibly, between two rocks, but the fish got the idea and is now hosting my GSP colony. He had never looked at this colony before, so I'm thinking that the picture idea worked but on the wrong host!. Anyone else ever seen a clown host a GSP or something similar?


Originally Posted by kidreef
they host just about anything really form corals to power head to mag floats
Haha, well I guess I don't have anything unique, but the picture method works (it can, at least).


ive never heard of the picture method. thats pretty cool, im going to give it a try. i wonder if it will work on my false perc? do you just put the picture up against the tank?


Originally Posted by mkzimms
ive never heard of the picture method. thats pretty cool, im going to give it a try. i wonder if it will work on my false perc? do you just put the picture up against the tank?
Yep, just google image a false perc in an anemone and put it flat against the tank so they can see it. This method sounded weird to me at first, but I tried it some time ago on another tomato and it worked overnight, and it has now 'worked' on this one. I'm sure it won't work for everyone but it's definitely worth a shot.


im printing a picture of a perc in a frogspawn (which is what i would like him to host in) should i put it on the glass next to the frogspawn or just anywhere?
im going to use this picture... courtesy of gharner
from these forums. hope he doesn't mind. looks exactly like my frogspawn and my perc.

should i try and find a picture where hes more inside it or does it really matter?


Hrm... I guess you'd have to ask the fish! That looks good. One of the fish more inside it might work better, but I can't say with any authority. I'd put it near the frogspawn or where the clown tends to hang out. Good luck.


i will keep you updated... picture is printing as we speak, a good sized 5x7 should do it, about life size.
ok, heres a picture of the setup just to document it for others. the frogspawn is in the lower right corner right in front of the picture.

i know its noticeable from inside the tank because my shrimp immediately tried to clean it.


Haha, well that's good. Since your tank has a curved edge I'd be worried that there might be a problem with the clown seeing it from the inside. It's probably fine but I'd try to make sure the meat of the picture is on a flat part. Since you've got a smaller tank I don't think it matters whether or not it's near the frogspawn.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mkzimms
i will keep you updated... picture is printing as we speak, a good sized 5x7 should do it, about life size.

i know its noticeable from inside the tank because my shrimp immediately tried to clean it.

THIS is funny...this is something non-fish people just wouldn't understand...I love it!


Active Member
This looks completely ridiculous but hell if it works for you all I may just give it a try. Didnt think fish were smart enough to analyze pictures