tomini tang


my lfs has a tomini tang that they have had for 1.5 months. he said that it is a hardy fish and eats good. it was priced at 70 but he said he will sell it for 40. i have never even heard of one of these. is it hardier than a yellow tang? anyone with any knowledge please let me know.


Active Member
very very very nice peaceful tang, and voracious algae eater. my lfs's generally sell for upwards of 120, but have recently come down to the 80 range. they seem to be a little more rare than other tangs, i'd gobble it up at 40.
they do need a MINIMUM of 75-90 gallon tank though.


Active Member
one of the smaller tangs too. Probably one of the more appropriate for the smaller end of the appropriate tank range (did that sound politically correct enough?)


They're really cool fish -- similar to Kole tangs. Like they've already said, these fish scavenge for algae all day. For this reason, I wouldn't put one in a tank with fish that compete for the same food source -- it's a peaceful fish, but I noticed some aggression as a result of competition for food. I can get them here for $25 -- but for you're area, $40 might be a good price. I would definitely take it for that amount. :)


thanks for all the info. are they ich magnets? i also have a blue hippo who is in great shape now. will they get along?


Active Member
you haven't told us what size tank yet so it's tough to tell.
as always, you should quarantine your fish before putting them in a new tank so you don't have to worry about putting ich into your existing tank. the blue hippo is enough of an ich magnet where even if the tomani has a little bit of ich on it the hippo will get it, as will all the rest of your fish. why take that chance?
i'm not sure if they will get along or not. the body shapes may be different enough.