Tomini Tang


I have had him for about a month now. Couple questions.
One, He pecks at the live rocks alot, is that bad or is he looking for food. Will he harm anything? He hasnt so far.
Two, I havent fed him any greens. I just got some because I realized that he is an algee eater. He didnt even go for it (at all) and I left it in there for a long while. When I feed however (mysis) he eats that up as fast as he can. Whats the deal?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jchmiel
I have had him for about a month now. Couple questions.
One, He pecks at the live rocks alot, is that bad or is he looking for food. Will he harm anything? He hasnt so far.
Two, I havent fed him any greens. I just got some because I realized that he is an algee eater. He didnt even go for it (at all) and I left it in there for a long while. When I feed however (mysis) he eats that up as fast as he can. Whats the deal?
Pecking at rocks is foraging for food. Keep trying the green hes going to need them for a balanced diet,you may want to try some algae sheet.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jchmiel
I have had him for about a month now. Couple questions.
One, He pecks at the live rocks alot, is that bad or is he looking for food. Will he harm anything? He hasnt so far.
Two, I havent fed him any greens. I just got some because I realized that he is an algee eater. He didnt even go for it (at all) and I left it in there for a long while. When I feed however (mysis) he eats that up as fast as he can. Whats the deal?

With all do respect IMO rule number one when getting a new fish is to learn as much about it as you can


Yes, I Agree with joe. If you dont do research you will not have a good chance with survival. It is also not fair to the fish.


Active Member
be shure not to feed it salad greens like lettuce... that can kill them. go to petsmart and get green or red algae sheets aka nori


Active Member
my purple didnt eat seaweed for over a year then out of nowhere he went nuts for it.
your tang will eventually figure out he likes it.


I agree 1000% about learning about what you buy before you buy it. Knowledge is what said "Hey you idiot tangs eat greens!". In this case my crazy (and I stress crazy) father in law desided to buy this for me thinking "It looked cool". Well needless to say I told him (nicley) to never buy anything unless I was there with him. I did however before the first post buy algee sheets and a clip and thats what I stuck in there (1" x 2-3" piece) to see if he would munch on it. Well, he actually avoids it. Then later in the day when I feed mysis (today also a little flake) he goes nuts and eats all that and not the D^mn algee sheets. WTF? darn fish doesnt know what he should be eating!
Any other technique to try? flaking a little into the the normal feed? garlic stuff on the sheet? yell at him "eat you fish, you know you like it, EAT!!!"?
He does look heathy however, so I dont think health is an issue.


Originally Posted by coralreefer
be shure not to feed it salad greens like lettuce... that can kill them. go to petsmart and get green or red algae sheets aka nori
NO - Go to your local Asian Food Store and Buy NORI Sheets for 1/10 the price.


Active Member
get some kent garlic and soak the seaweed in it for a few minutes.
i'll bet he goes for it then they love garlic


Active Member
Originally Posted by jhebi
Yes, just buy the one that doesn't have any additives, the only ingredient is seaweed. They love it.

I have been feeding my tangs this stuff for years, it is awesome. For the amount you get it is ridiculously cheap. This package was under $6.00. It will last me about 6 months.