Tomini vs Yellow eye kole tang


I have a tomini tang currectly he is a little on the shy side had him for about 5 mths now. Call me crazy if you will but i was at Rain Forest Cafe and seen a yellow eye kole tang and fell in love the coloration. I was thinking i would swap out my tomini for kole tang. What does every one else thing wise or silly desicion???
Also i see that has small Picasso Triggers (1-2 inches) in stock would one be two aggressive for my Oc percs???


Originally Posted by florida joe
Love my Kole and he is a beneficial worker in the tank

Great photo!
Yes, go with the Kole tang. I have had one for about 2 months now, and have loved him! He's been extremely healthy and gets along with with my sailfin and other tank mates.


It is really your choice on which you like better. I personally like the tomini better because of their coloration and personality. They are also not so common which makes them unique.

small triggers

Active Member
Personally, I love my Kole Tang. It's whatever your preferance is as they both stay on the smaller side for tangs which is nice. Good luck with whatever you decide.


Active Member
kole tangs r great at algae control. i hv one in my fowlr, and it eats nothing but algae.