Tomorrow I'll be going to the pet store.


And be getting some items too start starting my saltwater aquarium..
Any items that i should get right now?
Besides the tank
And how do you cure live rock?
Any help will be welcomed.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by YougMoney
And be getting some items too start starting my saltwater aquarium..
Any items that i should get right now?
Besides the tank
And how do you cure live rock?
Any help will be welcomed.

Welcome to the site!
What size tank, and are you going for a coral reef or fish only?
A beginner list:
  • Tank...and... fill it with RO (Reverse Osmoses) water only, never tap. Wal-Mart sells water .37 a gallon.
  • Lights (what type of lighting, depends on if you want coral or just fish)
  • 2 Heaters
  • Rock
  • Sand
  • Skimmer
  • Thermometer
    Hydrometer or refractometer
    Salt for mixing
    A tub for water changes (mark it FISH ONLY) I use a 37g plastic garbage can.
    Filtration, if you don’t use a sump..Go canister, a Hang on the back creates to much splash and makes salt creep
    A small utility pump and attach a hose that you can use to pump mixed saltwater to your tank from your mixing tub, it will save your back.
    Power heads, size and how many depends on your tank size
Rinse your tank with tap water and make sure it does not leak and then empty and refill with mixed RO and salt.. Place mixed saltwater ½ way in the tank. Add rock first, then (live is best)sand..make sure your rock is stable, gently twist and work each piece until you feel it “lock” The rock can cure right there in the tank since all is being started all at once.
Set up your filter pumps and power heads, and heaters, fill the tank and then you wait and wait for all to settle and cure and cycle. Read some good aquarium books and study to pass the time.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by YougMoney
Im only gonna want Fish

The only dfference is the lighting, fish only lights are cheap and easy. The rest on the list you will need. I left out Marine test kits, a must have.


if you get live rock buy Microbe-lift special blend great stuff i love it helps with biological cycling and other stuff as well to much to post hope that helps