Tonga cleaner wrasse.... Tessalata eel


Hey i Was wondering if a cleaner wrasse can die from cleaning a tessa's body....the reason i ask is because the tessa has a toxic slime coat that it developes as it matures...i am wondering if this could kill a cleaner wrasse.....your thoughts


i would suposse not cuz the thing eats parisites and bacteria infected skin so... but cleaner shrimp don't i recomend cleaner shrimp more then the cleaner wrasse cuz of the whole reef killing thing. but shrimp don't die from that stuff.


Originally Posted by fallinmor
i would suposse not cuz the thing eats parisites and bacteria infected skin so... but cleaner shrimp don't i recomend cleaner shrimp more then the cleaner wrasse cuz of the whole reef killing thing. but shrimp don't die from that stuff.
my reponse



Active Member
wow now that is a crazy picture. I would also recommend staying away from the wrasse and try either a pair of neon gobies or a cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
Originally Posted by D0cH0liday
neon gobies????? why ....what do they do? i am curious
neon gobies are basically the same thing as cleaner wrasses, however, they do not need parasites to live. They pair and breed easily and very commonly sold as tank raised fish. I have four of them in my 210 (2 mated pairs) and they do a heck of a job cleaning the fish.
Here is a picture of one of the pairs.


Active Member
They are an awesome fish and they are so active. Plus, they are really easy to keep. They pair and breed so easily that most of them sold at lfs' are tank-raised.


here in FL they are a local fish...shouldn't be anymore then 10$ unless they are captive breed...then the most i've ever seen them is 15$! Last one I had was 6$!