Tonga LR question


If I were to put 36 lbs of uncured Tonga LR in a 125 gallon established reef with a 30 g sump with bioballs, 2 canister filters, one with carbon and other with micronfilter, and 4" LSB, would my yellow tang and "catshark" survive without assimilating/curing the LR first:confused: Will my serpent stars be ok?


Active Member
if its what i think... you want to add un cured LR to a tank...
No. it will spike the amonia and what not. Cure it first in a bucket or a rubermaid , pup a pump in it with the venturi valve and pump air in it and do water changes on it. If ound that curing it with the venturi air bubbles (i use a aquaclear 301 powerhead) it cures a lot faster.