Too Crowded?


New Member
I have a 29 gallon tank with an eclipse 3 hood. I'm also unsing an under gravel filter.
I have some artificial rock and coral and I'm using crushed coral for substrate.
I want to stock it with 2 yellow tail damsels, 2 clarkii clowns and a yellow eye tang or naso tang. I also plan to use 1 orange knobby starfish, 1 camel shrimp, 4 asteria snails, 1 pencil urchin and 2 porcelain crabs amd some small sebea anemone.
Is this to crowded?
Will I need a skimmer.
Thanks for the help.


I would first of all skip the Sebae, they are very hard to keep. Also, you'll need some live rock in there most likely, at least 1lb per gallon. The tang cannot live in that tank, not even a small tang. There are beautiful smaller fish you can get, but I'd say no more than three fish. The Clarkii pair should be fine, and maybe one of the damsels, that should be plenty of color and hardy tankmates. Also, I'd consider more of a clean-up crew. Can't say much about the starfish, I like their looks, but I only tried once and I killed 3 starfish although I was very careful in acclimation. I'm not going to try starfish again.
Good luck, hope this helps.


Active Member
the tang will not be too happy. If your bent on it buy a real small one. the rest if fine, except I would go with an atlantic anemone, their hardy and inexpensive.