Too Many Critters?


Hi Everyone,
I've been away for a while, but I'm still alive and kickin'. I've noticed that in the past month or so there are tons of new baby snails (astreas, I think). Then a couple weeks ago I started noticing tons of little wormy-things all over the glass. They've started getting bigger, and they look prickly all along the sides like bristleworms. I know I have several larger bristleworms in the tank. Is it possible that they are multiplying? There are tons of them... at any given time I can count at least 50 of them on the glass. I've even seen my male clown eat a couple... he doesn't like them and shakes his head around violently after he chomps them (another reason I think they may be bristles). Will so many new snails and worms cause problems in my tank?


Active Member

Originally posted by Debbers
Hi Everyone,
I've been away for a while, but I'm still alive and kickin'.

Hey Debbers good to have you back. Where have you been?


Howdy, neighbor!
I just got married last month and planning the blessed event was more than a full-time job (on top of my job!!). We also took some time for a nice honeymoon. Things are pretty much back to normal now, but I'm scrambling trying to catch up on work-work.
Anyway, here I be! Glad to know you're still around... did I miss anything exciting?


Active Member

Originally posted by Debbers
Anyway, here I be! Glad to know you're still around... did I miss anything exciting?

An alien came down and turned everybody on the board into mindless slaves, in a feeble attempt to rule the earth....but all we could talk about was Saltwater Fish stuff, so he gave up went back to outerpsace and everything was cool, well that and they made Bang, and Ryebread Mods....I think that covers it.


Thanks for the alien update... I had no idea! I knew Bang and Ophiura were mods now. Congrats to the other new mods (ahem, THOMAS!). And I saw the photography forum. Is that Rye's baby? The nano forum is new too. Very cool additions.