Too many fish? 55 gal with Tang


Hey, I have a 55 with a Hepitus Blue Tang. He is doing great, but when I bought him I had every intention of getting a much bigger tank, 180 gallon Glass Cages. However, now I am stuck with this size for now (wife's orders :mad: ) But he is getting big and I really want to get an Atlantic Blue Tang. I know that they too get big, but if I get a juvy now, would he be OK in my tank for about a year? Oh, I also have right now a pair of clowns, and a pair of yellow tailed damsels.

gold strip

Trade the blue on a SMALL Atlantic and you can buy yourself a year or so.
By NO means should you put both of them in that 55 gal. Its not fair to the fish.
There are so many cool fish and critters available that it is hard to hold back but if you overstock you are just going to wind up losing both of them.