Too many fish for a 37 gallon


I know 4 or 5 fish in a 37 is what I should be shooting for so this is what I have in mind:
2 Percula Clowns
1 Sixline Wrasse
1 Royal Gramma
1 Catalina Goby (2")
Do you think this is too many fish?
Do you think they would all work together?
Thanks a lot! Im excited to start adding fish!


I just read that a six line and a royal gramma so I think that is out....
I was thinking to replace the royal gramma with a blackcap basslet.
Do you think there will still be an issue with the six line?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
I just read that a six line and a royal gramma so I think that is out....
Read what?
If it's what I think it is - that they won't get along - then a blackcap isn't a good replacement since it's probably even less likely to tolerate the wrasse than the royal gramma.
Also, from what I've heard, catalina gobbies can be hard to come by, and they're more of a temperate species - meaning they like cooler water - so it's probably not a good choice, either. Oh, and anything like a royal gramma/psuedochromis/dottyback is likely to get pretty violent with it as well. Those kinds of fish generally don't tolerate other fish that do the same sorts of things as they do, which is hover around the bottom, dig caves, and look for food in any available nooks and cranies.


haha.... im sorry. yes, thats what I ment to write.
Im still unsure about the sixline.. Some people seem to say they are very docile for a wrasse, others say they are pretty aggresive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
haha.... im sorry. yes, thats what I ment to write.
Im still unsure about the sixline.. Some people seem to say they are very docile for a wrasse, others say they are pretty aggresive.
It's not the six-line's aggressiveness you need to worry about. It's about what might happen to the six-line.


ok..... Now I am being a huge pain in the butt..
Instead of a catalina goby; a bicolor blenny
and instead of a royal gramma I was thinking:
a ocellate damsel (might eat inverts, temperment) any input?
or a pajama cardinal
sorry for being so needy! but i guess better safe than sorry...


Active Member
I would just remove the six line & Catalina from the list, and add some more docillefish.
My six line after some time became aggressive, and catalina need cooler waters.
Maybe a purple firefish, and Bengai Cardinal instead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
ok..... Now I am being a huge pain in the butt..
Instead of a catalina goby; a bicolor blenny
and instead of a royal gramma I was thinking:
a ocellate damsel (might eat inverts, temperment) any input?
or a pajama cardinal
sorry for being so needy! but i guess better safe than sorry...

All I can really say is that I've never really liked blennies or cardinals, and I'm not familiar with that damsel.
Instead of spending so much time thinking about the different combinations of fish you can get, it might be best for you to see if any of the fish you want are even readily available at your LFS and worth spending money on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by StacyT
I would just remove the six line & Catalina from the list, and add some more docillefish.
My six line after some time became aggressive, and catalina need cooler waters.
Maybe a purple firefish, and Bengai Cardinal instead.
If you decide to go with any kind of firefish, you'll probably have to stick with a bunch of really docile fish, which isn't a bad thing, so long as you're happy with that.


Active Member
I would go for the 2 clowns, royal gramma, bi-color blenny, and perhaps one more small, aggressive fish, like the damsel you mentioned.
I would keep firefish and singular pajama cardinals off the list since they are more peaceful fish. The gramma, blenny, and damsel all have an attitude, and even clowns can be very territorial.
And as everyone already said, the catalina gobies need a very chilled system of under 70 degrees.


alright... This is my final stock list (I hope). Fish are in order of when they will be put in the tank.
2 percula clowns
1 royal gramma
1 bicolor blenny
1 ocellate damsel
Getting these fish should not be a problem as they are all fairly common at the two LFS that have my trust.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MeleeRock
alright... This is my final stock list (I hope). Fish are in order of when they will be put in the tank.
2 percula clowns
1 royal gramma
1 bicolor blenny
1 ocellate damsel
Getting these fish should not be a problem as they are all fairly common at the two LFS that have my trust.
Interesting mix, though I'd probably switch the order of the royal gramma and the blenny. And don't be surprised if they don't always get along.


I had 6line and gramma before But i had to take Gramma back because she took a biiiggg bite from 6lines tail. My sixline is in my tank like 4 months he didnt bother anything YET.


New Member
No this is not too many fish. I have a 29 gallon tank and have heard that I could have 5-8 (1 1/2 inch) fish. If these fish do not create a lot of waste, then you should be able to keep them. But the more fish you have, the more frequently you need to do water changes.


Originally Posted by BlennyBoy
No this is not too many fish. I have a 29 gallon tank and have heard that I could have 5-8 (1 1/2 inch) fish. If these fish do not create a lot of waste, then you should be able to keep them. But the more fish you have, the more frequently you need to do water changes.
This is so very untrue and misleading. It is not the amount of fish, even with size accounted for. It is the personality of the fish.


Originally Posted by MeleeRock
alright... This is my final stock list (I hope). Fish are in order of when they will be put in the tank.
2 percula clowns
1 royal gramma
1 bicolor blenny
1 ocellate damsel
Getting these fish should not be a problem as they are all fairly common at the two LFS that have my trust.
I like this list, but what exacty is an ocellate damsel? Do you mean an ocellaris clown (which is a damsel)? He will be beaten down very quickly. All on the list have attitudes. Watch out with the gramma and the blenny. Neither have teeth. If you have enough rocks they will not pick. Please explain or post a pic of an ocellate damsel if I am incorrect.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
This is so very untrue and misleading. It is not the amount of fish, even with size accounted for. It is the personality of the fish.
Personality concerns their compatability, size concerns the bioload the setup can handle. As far as this thread goes, he's concerned about compatability, so you are correct in that sense. Can a 29 gallon tank handle 6-8 1 1/2 inch fish? Maybe. Not sure that would be very interesting, nor that they would stay that size for long.


Active Member
It could probably handle 6 or so 1-2 inch fish just fine but most of the fish that stay that small are gobies and would fight amongst each other for floor space, also you wouldn't really have any open water swimmers for activity so the tank might look empty all the time. My 33 gallon has a maroon clown and royal gramma and people think it's empty all the time because they both just hover around one spot.


New Member
This is so very untrue and misleading. It is not the amount of fish, even with size accounted for. It is the personality of the fish. by Sapulatain
:hilarious The personality of the fish?
What are you, some spiratual expert?
As long as your fish do not create a lot of waste and are not aggresive towards your other fish, you WILL be able to keep them.