too many fish in a 75g ?


New Member
I wander if i may have too many fish in my 75g its has been setup for 14 months with 73 Lbs of lr 105 Lbs of Ls
I have 1 perc clown 1 foxface,bi-color angel,mandrian goby
six-line wrasse and a neon dottyback right now along with many inverts


I think you may have hit the limit.
Is the bio load causing you any water problems?


New Member
not too much water problem i did have a low ph the dropped below 7.9 ouch! a few months ago also seem to have no2 but right now its about perfect iam gettin a larger tank sometime next year a 125g likey may put the angel and foxface into the larger tank I laso wander if a clown trigger would be fine in a 125g


If you got a clown trigger then if your many inverts included snails and hermits then you can say goodbye to them. Quite possibly any other small fish that you have like the perc, mandarin and 6 line. They should be housed with others of the same nature.
Where is Bo when you need him?
well clown triggers can get pretty naste. if you were to get one the only fish i would put in with it are other triggers of the same size or eels. yah like to inverts with shells say good by:( they will crack open there shells and have them for lunch. If the triggers are as big as it it might not attack them because they seem to large to eat or to large to take on. so if i was to put any fish in with them it would be the same size or bigger. um clown triggers can get pretty big so what size are you going to keep it until but if you were planning on having it until it was full grown dont think about it because they will get way big for a 125 gal


New Member
I well forget about triggers then I like inverts too much to see them eaten I will likey then just put tangs angel a pair of clowns and some other more peaceful fish into the 125g then