Too MANY fish to choose from!!


Active Member
Could I get a blue dot puffer? I like those!! The scientific name is.. Canthigaster epilamprus. And yes, it is one of the dwarf puffers.


How do you control your algae growth with a puffer in the tank? My stars and stripes has made an expensive dinner for himself from all of my snails and crabs. I can handle the algae on the glass- it's the sand I don't know what to do with. Was thinking a sandsifting fish of sorts?


Active Member
Hah..I do have algae in that tank...and lots of it.Finding a clean-up crew that would'nt get eaten was a challenge.I have a diadema urchin,some blk& wht zebra turbos as big as my fist,a couple CBS',a couple atlantic spotted cukes,and a few mexi red legged hermits{they hide in the day}.
I would not recommend a sandsifting fish or star...they eat all of the infauna from your sandbed,and you need the organisms they eat.


I wouldn't worry about the trigger with snails, shrimp and hermits...Ive had a small female blue throat in my 55g reef since this summer and she never touched a thing...eceprt when the cleaner shrimp tried to clean her...she didnt like that too much! but other then that...shes been great...